Tuesday, October 12, 2010

For the Single Fathers: Doing It by Themselves

There is a special place in my heart for single fathers. Not just single fathers, but single black fathers who are taking care of their children, on their own. Why? Black men have always gotten the rotten end of the stick (sort of) through out the years. Whatever the reason, I feel the need to point this out. Not all black men are thieves, pimps, hustlers, and dead beat fathers. There are some black men, like any other race or creed or culture of man, that values family and adores the family structure, and will do anything to preserve and protect it.

Their have been lies told throughout the black community that men are dogs, and all of them cheat and cannot be trusted. We seem to give more attention and glamorize the negative rather than focus on the positives, like men who not only take care of their children, but ailing loved ones and elderly parents. Men who will sacrifice their own safety to protect the ones they love, and sometimes even a total stranger. These men go without a thank you or a word of praise. But because of the color of their skin, or the clothes on their backs, they are overlooked. If integrity, duty and honor had  faces, I wonder if anyone would recognize them. Honestly, men who possess these character traits are less likely to be boastful or prideful, so you probably would never know unless the people that experience their character first hand would speak.

So, for  the men who think that there are no honorable men out there, and are living a lie of deceit, all i ask is that you keep living. Eventually the truth of your deceitfulness will find you and help you to truly see yourself as you really are. Hopefully that truth will some how move you to some kind of repentance and change.
So, for the women who have been done wrong by these dead beat men, being lied to and cheated, abused and mistreated. Do not lose heart! One man's loss is another man's gain as long as you stay true to yourself and know how you want to be treated and deserve to be treated and will not stand for anything less, then you will find an honorable man, one that will love you and all you have and hold dear.

So, for the honorable men full of integrity and a since of duty, who are taking care of their children -married, single, or divorced. Do not lose heart. Continue to press on to the mark of the higher calling. To whom much is given, much is required! You understand this and have accepted the call of leader! Be not provoked by jealousy and rage, for your reward is far more glorious than any earthly possession! Your heart is of God because you take care of his people and you can't get more honorable than that! Even if  no one on this earth praises your good deeds, KNOW that God is praising you, and his praise is worth the struggle, the sweat and the tears, because what's more rewarding than looking in the mirror and RESPECTING THE MAN THAT IS LOOKING BACK!?   You are a man that knows the responsibility you have toward the ones that look to you for guidance and leadership and you do not take that for granted. You are truly a man after God's own Heart!

Dedicated to my Daddy, who took care of his family and his children, not to mention elderly parents and siblings, and never asked for anything in return; To my brothers who show me everyday what real men supposed to do, Good examples of leadership and responsibility, commitment and genuine love! God Bless them ALL!!

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